3 Notes Per String System

The 3NotesPerString scale fingerings contain more chord patterns because there are more notes and more fingerings Most importantly, the 3NotesPerString scale fingerings are not tied to arbitrary open chord shapes that are very difficult to sweep pick through 3 The CAGED scale shapes are only based on open string major chords.


3 notes per string system. Here is an overview of the Major scale in the key of C, using the 3 notes per string system It can be useful to think about what fingers to use to limit the amount of positions switches per position Mostly the trick is to start the lower strings with 1 2 4 if there is a whole step between the first 3 notes. 3 notes per string is most common way to play diatonic scales,7 notes scales like major scales,minor scales,church modes etc You can play every scale using one string only but with 3nps patters you get wider range,more octaves, without moving your fretting hand a lot, and that's all because how guitar strings are tuned. 3 Notes Per String Pentatonic Boxes Let’s now look at 3NPS Pentatonic shapes Each one of these can be seen as a combination of 2 adjacent 2NPS shapes As before, we use 5 of these to cover every possible position on the fretboard, just with more overlap Here they are, again in the key of F minor or Ab major.

Mode IVII (ionian, dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian, aeolian, locrian) starting with root A of the 3notesperstring scale with the interval on the guitar neck guitarch Guitar Encyclopedia Scale. Our example will be in the key of F Major That scale has the notes FGACDEF Now, starting on the low Estring, we move along each string and mark each of these notes Let's say we start on the lowest F, 1st fret of the low EString We mark that one, then we mark the G (3rd fret), A (5th fret), (6th fret), C (8th fret) etc. Harmonic minor Scale – 3 notes per string;.

Threenoteperstring Scales The 5 block CAGED system isn’t the only way to view the neck Here I’ve written out the F major scale and its related modes with 3 notes on each string, which divides the neck up into 7 overlapping areas I’ve chosen to name each pattern according to the mode generated when playing it from its lowest available note But bear in mind that each pattern can be any of the 7 modes depending on which note is designated as the root. 3 Notes per String Patterns Break Out of the Box and Master the Fretboard 3 Notes per String for a Guitar Shredding They are very popular among guitar shredders since they are easy to play at 3 Notesperstring guitar scales introduction Learn 3 notes Per String Scale Patterns Now let’s take. Arpeggios derived from 3 notes per string Maj7 arpeggios;.

What we have done is combine well known concepts like the 3noteperstring technique with a comprehensive fretboardnavigation system that allows you to move in all possible directions on the fretboard at will (and actually make sense of the complexity of the guitar) If you don't want to be confined to just a few positions but want to make use of the whole fretboard, this tutorial is for you!. With this system of learning scales, as the name implies, you play 3 notes per string across the fretboard for each position There aren’t any changes from 3 notes, to 2 notes, back to 3 notes, like you find in the CAGED system. Here are all of the 3 note per string major scale forms First the fingerings are indicated, then below that are all of the scale forms again with the scale degrees indicated.

Harmonic minor Scale – 3 notes per string;. So now we understand what a three note per string scale is, let’s look at the different ways it can benefit your playing 1 Consistency of Pick Direction Three note per string scales are the only way of arranging 7 note scales that give you 2 Three Note Per String Shapes Create Memorable. The threenoteperstring variable concept takes you through the six variations of three notes per string 123, 132, 231, 213, 321, 312 These numbers refer to the directions of your fingers in relationship to the three notes you will play in a scale as you ascend and descend through a single position.

Diagrams & Notation » Scales » aeolian mode 3 note per string patterns Filed Under Scales Newest Intervals Part 2 Chords/Keys/Relative minor/Major Chord Function Notes on the Fretboard Key Signatures part2 Flat keys Popular Major Scale 5 patterns minor scale 5 patterns. Then move to the next string and play the next three notes of the scale;. Scales in 3 notes per string system Major Scale – 3 notes per string;.

3 notes per string is a very efficient way to finger scales due to the structure of most peoples hands However if you don't have a short pinky like most of us, and your pinky is as long or nearly as your ring finger, then 4 notes per string may be possible for you to play. A good system for covering the guitar fingerboard is the three note per string scale system It’s a very simple system were you simply play three notes from the scale;. Description In this lesson we will study some ways to play scales with 3 notes per string You must be logged in and have purchased the plan that is associated with this lesson.

3NPS scales, as used by legions of guitarists but popularized mainly by Joe Satriani, are one of the most efficient ways to navigate the fretboard and get your scales down IF you follow the guidelines in this book As the name suggests, a 3NPS scale is any scale that contains three notes on each string, and as you’ll see in this eBook, this makes for a very consistent way to map out scales on the guitar fretboard. 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 4 7th 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 7th 9 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 7th 13 wwwguitarlessons365com 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. Threenoteperstring licks (we'll call them 3 nps, for short) are great for navigating comfortably around the neck because of the natural arrangement of a lot of notes and scales on guitar Many scale shapes can be repeated across the neck using a simple fingering pattern Paul's examples play upon this idea, where each twostring idea uses exactly the same frets and fingering on each string.

3 notes per string licks and scales are generally used for speed picking Whenever you hear a guitar player playing these really fast terrifying licks, it’s probably a 3 notes per string lick Paul Gilbert of MrBig is one of many great experts in this field If you practice these exercises properly and often enough you will increase your speed. It is laid out along the string axis utilizing the A minor pentatonic scale The formulas for each triplet in terms of pitch organization are low middle high, middle low high, low high middle, high low middle, high middle low, and middle high low I will give you various technical approaches involving picking and slurring. The first is in linking your modes together into once large body of notes that can be treated as any of the 7 modes The other is to help you develop your speed runs 3 note per string guitar modes automatically gives you an upper hand when going for legato speed runs The 3 notes on each sting allows simple use of hammer on’s and pull off’s.

English This category contains modal 3notesperstring scales, which are derived from the C major scale According to the chordscale theory, the scales are drilled through according to the basic tones of the played major chords (shown here with a black background) in the E and A form (ie with the fundamental on the E or A string). A good place to start is with the seven diatonic modes of the G major scale (G A B C D E F#), played three notes per string Each mode is built from a different note, or degree, of the scale in FIGURE 1, we have the G major scale, also known as the G Ionian mode, starting on the low E string’s third fret On the bottom two strings, the notes fall at the third, fifth and seventh frets, and I like to fret these notes with my first, second and fourth fingers. Step 1 Three Notes Per String Here I graph out a pattern for the E minor pentatonic, playing three notes per string Step 2 Let’s Cover the Neck Here I graph out another two patterns, the first with the root on the fifth string, and the Step 3 Why?.

Here is a simple worksheet that will help guide you through the modes of C Major I enjoy this because it opens up a whole lot of exercises. Again on to the next string and play the next three notes and so on. The threenoteperstring variable concept takes you through the six variations of three notes per string 123, 132, 231, 213, 321, 312 These numbers refer to the directions of your fingers in relationship to the three notes you will play in a scale as you ascend and descend through a single position.

3 notes per string is a very efficient way to finger scales due to the structure of most peoples hands However if you don't have a short pinky like most of us, and your pinky is as long or nearly as your ring finger, then 4 notes per string may be possible for you to play. This lesson is a complete breakdown of the 7 scale forms created when you arrange a major scale for 3 notes per string This lesson combined with the "Understanding Keys" lesson can be used to learn the complete guitar neck in all keys This is the first lesson dealing with major scales arranged for the 3notes per string. The 3NotesPerString scale fingerings contain more chord patterns because there are more notes and more fingerings Most importantly, the 3NotesPerString scale fingerings are not tied to arbitrary open chord shapes that are very difficult to sweep pick through 3 The CAGED scale shapes are only based on open string major chords.

Id start out learning basic CAGED patterns, then on to three notes per string After a long time of experimenting with patterns, though, it will all kind of blend into a complete "map" of the. Major Scale – 3 notes per string Here is an overview of the Major scale in the key of C, using the 3 notes per string system It can be useful to think about what fingers to use to limit the amount of positions switches per position Mostly the trick is to start the lower strings with 1 2 4 if there is a whole step between the first 3 notes. 3 notes per string for E Major scale E Major consists of E F# G# A B C# D# E(8v) Pattern shown at fret number 4.

Various positions of the major scale 3notesperstring with the interval on the guitar neck guitarch Guitar Encyclopedia Scale Language > Sitemap > Guitar > Scale > Major Scale 3NotesperString (Interval) Major Scale · 3NotesperString (Interval in A Major) V Mixolydian VI Aeolian VII Locrian I Ionian II Dorian III. Scales in 3 notes per string system Major Scale – 3 notes per string;. 3 Note Per String System The 3 Note Per String System (3NPS) pretty much does what it says on the tin, each scale pattern will have 3 notes on every string The Major Scale has 7 notes, and a 3NPS scale pattern can be built from each degree of the scale which is why it's sometimes called the 7 Pattern System (and incorrectly imho, some call them modal patterns).

Another system that is useful for learning scales is the 3 notes per string system In this lesson, we’re going to take a look at the 3 notes per string major scale patterns What is the 3 notes per string system?. Three note per string scales, are scales that are arranged on the guitar, by placing three notes on each string Let’s say we wanted to play a C major scale, which has the following notes C D E F G A B. This concept of looking at the minor scale gives us the same number of notes per string, which allows for easier scale sequences Let's take a look at an example in the style of Michael Schenker in the key of E minor.

3 notes per string for E Major scale E Major consists of E F# G# A B C# D# E (8v) Pattern shown at fret number 2 3 notes per string for E Major scale. The major, harmonic minor and pentatonic 3 note per string shapes will be a useful addition to your lead guitar armory 3 note per string scales can be combined with standard scale shapes to increase the range of your solos. Melodic minor Scale – 3 notes per string;.

The three note per string system uses seven different positions The easiest way to map them out is with a major scale, starting on each of the seven notes Just use three notes per string, and that's it When you use a different scale, any notes altered from the major scale stay on the same string, shifting by the appropriate number of frets. As guitar players' tastes and abilities evolve, and they begin to gravitate toward an appreciation for, and desire to learn, more technically demanding music, the pentatonic scale often gets a bad rapIt's often considered cliché and not as impressive as threenoteper string (3NPS) diatonic scalesBut if you love loud, distorted guitar, somewhere early on in your development as a player you were turned on to the minor pentatonic “box” shape, such as the Am pentatonic in EXAMPLE 1A, and. Melodic minor Scale – 3 notes per string;.

Here is a simple worksheet that will help guide you through the modes of C Major I enjoy this because it opens up a whole lot of exercises. Threenotesperstring scale shapes are a great way of accessing the maximum available notes anywhere on the guitar neck These positions make full use of all four fingers and cover more frets than the traditional fiveposition, or CAGED system shapes As every string has the same number of notes, threenotesperstring shapes lend themselves to patterns very well.

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